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147 SCI(E) 2023 Effect of angular motion on accidental hydrogen fires in conceptional ship fuel preparation room with mechanical ventilation
146 SCI(E) 2023 Effects of hydrogen mixture ratio and scavenging air temperature oncombustion and emission characteristics of a 2-stroke marine engine
145 SCI(E) 2023 Energy-Efficient Power Control for Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer Nonorthogonal Multiple Access in Distributed Antenna Systems
144 SCI(E) 2023 Evaluation of ATSC 3.0 and 3GPP Rel-17 5G Broadcasting Systems for Mobile Handheld Applications
143 SCI(E) 2023 Evaluation of the Mechanical and Corrosion Behavior of Twin Wire Arc Sprayed Ni-Al Coatings with Different Al and Mo Content
142 SCI(E) 2023 Experimental analysis of the effects of ship motion on hydrogen dispersion in an enclosed area
141 SCI(E) 2023 Fabrication and thermophysical characterization of microencapsulated stearyl alcohol as thermal energy storage material
140 SCI(E) 2023 Facile numerical approximations to evaluate the performance of an ice-on-coil-type latent thermal energy storage tank with top-inlet-bottom-outlet configuration
139 SCI(E) 2023 Fatigue Analysis of a 40 ft LNG ISO Tank Container
138 SCI(E) 2023 FDTD simulation of local electric field enhancement caused by nanoscale roughness comprising of different metals under the solar spectrum
137 SCI(E) 2023 Finite element study of nanoparticles spacing and radius on dynamics of water fluid subject to microgravity environment
136 SCI(E) 2023 Growth of hexagonal-shape Si on a 4H-SiC substrate by mixed-source hydride vapor phase epitaxy
135 SCI(E) 2023 hBN Encapsulation Effects on the Phonon Modes of MoS2 with a Thickness of 1 to 10 Layers
134 SCI(E) 2023 Impact of couple stress and variable viscosity on heat transfer and flow between two parallel plates in conducting field
133 SCI(E) 2023 Impact of K-H Instability on NOx Emissions in N2O ThermalDecomposition Using Premixed CH4 Co-Flow Flames andElectric Furnace
132 SCI(E) 2023 Improved formal safety assessment methodology using fuzzy TOPSIS for LPG-fueled marine engine system
131 SCI(E) 2023 Improving the efficiency of PZT-based piezoelectric energy harvesting by mixing MWCNTs under solar radiation
130 SCI(E) 2023 Influence of Heat Treatment on Corrosion Resistance of Sn/Mg Films Formed by PVD Method on Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel
129 SCI(E) 2023 Life Cycle Assessment of LPG Engines for Small Fishing Vessels and the Applications of Bio LPG Fuel in Korea
128 SCI(E) 2023 Modeling and Dynamic Radar Cross-Section Estimation of Chaff Clouds for Real-Time Simulation