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27 국내 2022 Object detection in high-resolution sonar images
26 SCI(E) 2022 Prediction of Emission Characteristics of Generator Engine with Selective Catalytic Reduction Using Artificial Intelligence
25 SCI(E) 2022 Prediction of oil-fired boiler emissions with ensemble methods considering variable combustion air conditions
24 SCI(E) 2022 Stepwise Multi-Task Learning Model for Holder Extraction in Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis
23 SCI(E) 2022 Study on the Propeller Rope Cutter Concerning Transient Torsional Vibration due to Cutting Action
22 SCI(E) 2021 Capacity Analysis and Improvement of LDM-Based Multiple-PLP Configurations in ATSC 3.0
21 SCI(E) 2021 Combined Effects of Optimized Heat Treatment and Nickel Coating for the Improvement of Interfacial Bonding in Aluminum-Iron Alloys Hybrid Structures
20 SCI(E) 2021 Combined Effects of Optimized Heat Treatment and Nickel Coating for the Improvement of Interfacial Bonding in Aluminum-Iron Alloys Hybrid Structures
19 국내 2021 DC 전기장 내에서 발생하는 화재연기 진행 방향에 대한 실험적 연구
18 SCI(E) 2021 Determination of the water vapor continuum absorption by THz pulse transmission using long-range multipass cell
17 기타 2021 Drone movement classification based on deep learning using micro-Doppler signature images
16 SCI(E) 2021 Dynamic RCS Estimation according to Drone Movement Using the MoM and Far-Field Approximation
15 국내 2021 Effect of bifilm defects on Microstructure and Tensile properties of A356 secondary alloy for the recycling of machining chip scrap
14 국내 2021 Effects of Na2B4O7·10H2O on microstructure and mechanical properties of AlSi7Mg0.3and AlSi10MnMgAlSi10MnMg alloys
13 SCI(E) 2021 Enhancing SERS Intensity by Coupling PSPR and LSPR in a Crater Structure with Ag Nanowires
12 SCI(E) 2021 Evaluation of Corrosion Behavior on Crept AlSi10MnMg (AA365) Alloy Produced by High-Pressure Die-Casting (HPDC)
11 국내 2021 Fatigue analysis of a hydraulic accumulator under severe working conditions
10 SCI(E) 2021 High-Precision RTT-Based Indoor Positioning System Using RCDN and RPN
9 SCI(E) 2021 Microstructural evolution and martensitic transformation in FeCrV alloy fabricated via additive manufacturing
8 SCI(E) 2021 Multifunctional Disordered Sulfur-Doped Carbon for Efficient Sodium-Ion-Exchange and 2-Electron-Transfer-Dominant Oxygen Reduction Reaction